My movie bully, as the name implies, pressures me into watching a movie. Sure, I can say no at times when the my schedule is really tight, but he keeps on asking me frequently that I kind of coy away from saying "no." He doesn't watch the movie with me. He just gives the tickets for A and I to enjoy. The only downside is that we become dependent on his availability, not that we mind really as we live near the movie place.
I've been so busy the past couple of weeks that "Go watch a movie." was definitely the sweetest thing that I heard today.
We watched:
Movie bully and Movie Bully's dad, who was with him when we got the movie tickets, already advised us that we will be watching Bourne Legacy and the Manila version of The King and I. We didn't bother putting up a fight, we just said OK. I'm just grateful that we get to watch shows for free.