Our other helper is more equipped with housekeeping skills. She's been mentoring the new one. Being a TESDA-accredited housekeeper, it was through her that I've considered the thought of sending the new one to school. I recall our new one mentioned to me that she would like to work in a cruise ship. All the more that I started to think about giving her the needed skills that would help her earn more.
When I used to work for a philanthropist, who's also sponsoring people to school, I recall that one of the foundations that he supports is Punlaan School, a technical-vocational school in San Juan that's TESDA-accredited. I sent them an email to inquire about their Household Services Program.
On our end, I think it's a good investment for us since she will be applying her newly-found skills to our household. After rendering her service years, she would have that option to seek employment elsewhere. Hopefully, to one that would land her in a cruise ship.